The Disease: Cause or Effect?

"What we call "matter" is only energy, which when vibrating at a very low speed, can be perceived by our 5 senses. There is no matter." Albert Einstein

“If you want to discover the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”                       Nikola Tesla

Understanding the difference between cause and effect is essential to be able to find solutions to the different challenges that life presents to us. The issue of health is not an exception, diseases are effects and in many cases their causes are unknown, which creates a great challenge when seeking healing. In the 20th century and so far in the 21st century, innumerable cases of remissions of terminal illnesses, cures of chronic diseases, etc. have been compiled, which we can not deny and which we can not explain from the Newtonian laws, that is from what we consider solid or matter.                                                                                                                                                           Scientific / spiritual advances show us that everything that exists in the material world is composed of energy, vibration and frequencies and that our body or vehicle is no exception. This leads us to think that perhaps the cause of many diseases that affect modern man have their origin in the so-called energy or quantum field and that his mind, through the thought and emotions it generates, can influence or modify its physiology. The problem is that we are always trying to define the world around us, including our body, through our 5 senses, which are extremely limited and allow us to interpret only the "material" world. In the documentary "Your Life, Your Creation" is clearly explained the limitation that the senses have when interpreting the energy or quantum field. (watch video).


A great change in the vision of the disease in the 21st century: The disease is a physical or newtonian effect and the cause is, in most cases, energetic or quantum, with the exception of hereditary genetic diseases. Dr Bruce Lipton tells us in his lecture "The Biology of Belief" that only 5% of the diseases we suffer are genetically or hereditarily originated. The rest of the diseases are caused by the internal and external environment of the individual. The external environment is the place where we live, the quality of water we drink, the air we breathe. the foods that we consume, the friendships we have, our work and the stress that it produces, etc. A great change in the vision of the disease in the 21st century: The disease is a physical or newtonian effect and the cause is, in most cases, energetic or quantum, with the exception of hereditary genetic diseases. Dr Bruce Lipton tells us in his lecture "The Biology of Belief" that only 5% of the diseases we suffer are genetically or hereditarily originated. The rest of the diseases are caused by the internal and external environment of the individual. The external environment is the place where we live, the quality of water we drink, the air we breathe. the foods that we consume, the friendships we have, our work and the stress that it produces, etc.:

We can also interpret the disease as a wake-up call that is warning us that we are living our life below our creative potential, that our predominant emotion is fear and its derivatives and that our habits do not help us to live the life we desire. . To conform to what we do not like is to live in a comfort zone that limits us and makes us ill. We are creators of our reality all the time and health is largely our own creation.